Final post

The ride at the World’s Fair in New York in 1964 called the Futurama was able to predict the  future of the world simply by showing changes and the path we are on. In a 7 minute video we were able to see just how quickly the world could change just by the use of technology. Any kind of technology has it’s positive and negative aspects. But in this case i think technology is seen more negative rather than in a positive light, taking from the second video “ Mad World” remix it shows how distracted people are by technology and even paired together with depression, suicide and cyber bullying. “These systems are failing” were some of a few words that were highlighted in the video and to me that meant the issue is getting too out of hand. Today our society is so consumed with social media and technology. The scene where people were trapped in cell phones as jail cells really hit me strongly due to the realization that we are not on a good path. 

Before social media, youth suicide rates were not rising to the numbers they have now in the united states. Suicide used to be the 10th most common cause of death among americans of all ages in 2017, and now it is the second most leading deaths in young americans ages 15-24. Social media, technology, as well as our society play a major role people lives. Everyone wants to fit in, but the thing that is most strange might be just how far some people are willing to go to fit in with our society's view of normal, or what is socially acceptable. It’s ruining peoples views as well as putting a damage on their physical and emotional health. We care so much about followers, views, and likes but not so much as a individuals wellbeing.    


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