Sami Novick

Week 2

Freedoms that were Granted by the First Amendment 

In a way the first amendment protects U.S Citizens to speak their mind against our government in a peaceful matter. the first amendment protects us to protest peacefully. We are given five inalienable rights that we are guaranteed to have as citizens of this country. 

they are: 

1.  Freedom from the establishment of Religion

2.  Freedom of Religion

3.  Freedom of Speech 

4.  Freedom of press 

5: Freedom of Assembly 

6: Freedom to Petition 

Protesting gives us three of the five rights protected by the first amendment. I chose to mainly focus on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting which took place on Valentines day where 17 people teachers and students were murdered. It really amazes me that most of the kids from the school cant vote, can't buy a beer, make a hotel reservation and more. but they know how to use their voice to try to make change happen. Taking from a article that I read called " the school shooting generation has had enough" by Charlotte Alter the kids are really working to make change happen.


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